The national chamber of entrepreneurs


Bakery business

- Kyzylorda Region
12281 просмотров

Thanks to the project "Micro business Kyzylorda" a 21-year-old resident of the village Tartogay of Shieli district Nagashybay Serikbaev opened a bakery with his mother

"My son has started earning money earlier than his peers. Since childhood, he helped me around the house and farm. After high school, he decided to open his own business. Without thinking twice, he opened a bakery because bread is always needed. Our products are in great demand among the villagers. Therefore, we would like to expand our business, we only needed financial resources ", - says mother of the novice businessman Kamar Zhakaeva.

The arrival of consultants of Shieli district branch of the Chamber of entrepreneurs was very helpful, they told the villagers about a new project of business support - "Micro business Kyzylorda". Nagashybay Serikbaev immediately appealed to the Chamber and experts of RCE helped him with preparation of all the necessary documents. He soon received a loan - 3 million tenge through the Regional Investment Center "Kyzylorda”. This amount Nagashybay and his mother used to build the building of the bakery and bought all the necessary equipment.

"I am grateful to the government for the fact that, despite my young age, I obtained full support and assistance. The finished product will be delivered to the canteens of rural schools and shops. Villagers can always buy besides hot bread, fresh pastries", - says the young entrepreneur.

Currently, within the program "Micro business Kyzylorda" 54 projects worth more than 300 million tenge were funded.

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